Economic Empowerment

Gugah Nurani Indonesia focuses and is committed to efforts to break the cycle of poverty in Indonesia and encourage the economy by building various cooperatives for the community and also encouraging the social economy to achieve economic independence through solidarity and cooperation.

Economic Development For Self-Reliant Communities


In an effort to realize the mission statement of Gugah Nurani Indonesia, not only social change and empowerment that we strive for and strive for but also economic empowerment especially the economy of local communities in Indonesia.

We believe that the phenomenon of economic poverty is not only due to inactivity or inability of individuals but also caused by socio-economic challenges that contribute to the cycle of poverty for many individuals. Therefore, Gugah Nurani Indonesia focuses and is committed to breaking the cycle of poverty in Indonesia. To achieve independence for many Indonesian people, we have supported various activities and businesses that increase the income of each person and family.

In addition, we are also committed to encouraging the economy by building various cooperatives for the community, building groups in efforts to increase economic output and also encouraging the social economy to achieve economic independence through solidarity and cooperation.


Cooperatives were successfully established to support community economic activities


Cooperative members spread across 7 cooperatives in the CDP area

Our Focus on Economic Empowerment:

Increasing Community Economic Capacity

Along with promoting the social economy, we also work with people in poverty to improve their productive skills and expand their financial and material access. Expanding financial access has provided more opportunities for people to increase their economic capacity.

Building Cooperatives for a Sustainable Economy

We at Gugah Nurani Indonesia continue to be committed to encouraging the creation of sustainable economic independence, we work together with various stakeholders including the Government to build various Community Cooperatives in providing capital and supporting all business activities in increasing community income.

News & Stories

Gugah Nurani Indonesia endeavors to continue to spread goodness through various collaborative actions. By taking steps together, it will be easier to achieve the goal, namely empowerment for the poor and underprivileged communities.

Documentation of Activities