Let's Take a Look at the Exciting Activities of the Global Youth Network at MI Jauharotul Huda, Cakung, East Jakarta

The Global Youth Network is an early learning program on SDGs and the establishment of a global teenage network to be active in various global issues initiated by Good Neighbors International. Seeing the success of the program in the first phase in 2022, this year, batch 2 program is opened again to reach more children in different areas.

One of the schools that joined is the younger siblings in grades 5 and 6 of MI Jauharotul Huda, Cakung District, East Jakarta. A total of 15 students had the opportunity to participate in the program, which started with SDGs introduction classes on Tuesday, October 31, 2023. The children were divided into three small groups and took turns playing games and quizzes guided by the older siblings from Gugah Nurani Indonesia. In each station, there was one Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) whose information was specifically explained in more detail to make it easier for participants to understand and interact compared to classroom or seminar methods.

The concept of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) might indeed seem heavy and complicated for teenagers; therefore, facilitators often use photos for visualization to make it easier to understand. Examples of simple actions in daily life also make it easier for children to support the achievement of these 17 goals. It's proven that many children are, in reality, already supporting actions like anti-plastic initiatives, not littering to pollute rivers, and so on.

The Global Youth Network (GYN) is participated in by teenagers from 26 countries where Good Neighbors International operates in Asia and Africa. Asia: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, South Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Philippines, Tajikistan, Vietnam, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Laos, Jordan, India, Thailand. Africa: Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Uganda, Zambia, Tanzania, Cameroon, Chad, Niger.

These teenagers will eventually meet through online media to discuss current global issues. The hope is that through this activity, participants can understand global issues, SDGs, and take concrete actions according to their age and capacity. The expectation is that they can also critically and actively provide peer-to-peer education to disseminate positive actions in the future.

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