The Annual Meeting of Gugah Nurani Indonesia Board of Directors

YOGYAKARTA – Gugah Nurani Indonesia held an Annual Meeting between management, supervisors, and trustees on 12 April 2023 in Yogyakarta. The meeting was led by the Chairman of the Advisor, Yongki Choi, and attended by members of the Advisor consisting of Prof. Dr. Ir. John M.S. Tetelepta, M.Sc. M.Phil and Johnny Tjia, Ph.D., attended by Supervisors, namely Marlon Lukman, M.Kesos. Even though the other two (2) members of the Trustees could not participate in the meeting, the number of members present fulfilled the quorum meeting.

At the Annual Meeting, which was held physically this time, the agenda was to submit the results of the 2022 performance, approve the audit results for 2022, and present the results of the study at the end of the 2018-2022 cycle and the impact of changes that occurred in that cycle. The members of the Advisors have agreed on a meeting consensus, including the following:
  1. The supervisors expressed his appreciation and agreed on the performance results for 2022 covering the education, health, economic, and emergency response sectors, as well as providing direction in the Gugah Nurani Indonesia self-reliance strategy.
  2. The advisors approve the results of the audit conducted by the Tanubrata Public Accounting Firm (PAF) Sutanto Fahmi Bambang & Partners (BOD Indonesia) with Unqualified Results.
  3. The advisors agree to the explanation regarding the end of the cycle study with the achievements obtained by Gugah Nurani Indonesia and its impact on society.

In the process of exposure and discussion, suggestions and opinions are submitted by the Trustees and will be followed up by the management of Gugah Nurani Indonesia.

After the Annual Meeting on 13 April 2023, the supervisors were invited to see the performance results carried out by Yogyakarta CDP, in Pendoworejo Village, Girimulyo District, Kulon Progo. They met directly with the community, especially economic groups, Mbok Daya, and cooperatives. Mbok Daya, consisting of women, produces herbal drink products and processed catfish chips.

"This drink is very fresh, and you have to try it," said Prof. John when trying the tamarind and turmeric jamu from Mbok Daya. Products from Mbok Daya can also be purchased through marketplaces, Shopee.

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