Mr. Winarto's Dream: A Food business with a Greater Purpose

Pak Winarto's Angkringan

Meeting Pak Winarto for the first time feels warm and humorous. We visited him in the late afternoon while he was taking a break. Every day, he starts his work at 3 AM with his wife, preparing dishes to complement the nasi rames they sell. They’ve been running their business for 15 years. Pak Winarto developed an interest in this venture while working at a printing company.

We settled in the yard of his home, which also serves as part of his nasi rames kiosk. With its open and simple concept, his kiosk is equipped with a roof that keeps customers comfortable while they enjoy their meals, free from the harsh sun and rain. 

He adopts the concept to create a comfortable and homey vibe. The shade of nearby trees enhances the inviting atmosphere, providing a cozy environment for customers waiting for their orders.

A Dream Becoming Reality

When he worked for a local newspaper managing ad printing, Pak Winarto dreamed of starting his own angkringan (a traditional Indonesian street food stall) with his colleagues. With a small capital of IDR 700,000 from a colleague, he began this journey. 

However, it wasn’t easy. While he worked as an employee, he had to split his focus. On good days, he might earn around IDR 200,000, but there were times he made as little as IDR 5,000 for a single dish. Experiencing losses was part of the journey, but it didn’t dampen his spirit. Ultimately, he made the bold decision to leave his job and dedicate himself fully to growing his culinary business

Initially, his menu included just one type of dish, a vegetable, and a fried snack, but over time he expanded the offerings.
As he faced competition from other angkringans, Pak Winarto didn’t lose hope. He adjusted his strategy and extended his operating hours, selling nasi rames from 6 AM to noon and then switching to angkringan in the afternoon.

Navigating the Pandemic

Just as things were looking up, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, bringing social restrictions and reduced consumer spending. The angkringan which served as a social gathering place saw a drastic drop in customers. In response, Pak Winarto decided to stop the operation of his angkringan and continue selling nasi rames, but the declining purchasing power made it hard to maintain stable earnings.

During the pandemic, his best daily sales barely reached IDR 400,000. After covering daily expenses, the profits were minimal, limiting his ability to diversify his menu. With unsold food and tightening finances, it was a challenging period until he heard about Mitra Sejahtera Pendoworejo Cooperatives.

A Chance to Build Hope

Seeing this as an opportunity for funding, Pak Winarto joined the cooperative, which helped him access capital to sustain and grow his business despite the tough times. He found the cooperative's support invaluable, enabling him to save money and receive a share of the profits, especially when purchasing from their grocery store. The loan terms were manageable, allowing him to breathe a little easier.

Slowly but surely, Pak Winarto’s nasi rames kiosk began to thrive again. He renovated the makeshift kiosk to create a more welcoming space for loyal customers and even considered a designated area for motorbike parking.

Now, his daily earnings range from IDR 600,000 to IDR 700,000, and he has expanded his offerings to include lunch boxes. The limitations didn’t stop him; instead, they sparked his creativity to find solutions.

“With the cooperative’s funding, I was able to improve my stall, making it cleaner and more comfortable. I could also invest in additional cooking equipment like stoves and pots, allowing me to offer more variety. This attracted more customers,” Pak Winarto shared.

Although he is still developing his angkringan, access to funding from the cooperative supported by the Gugah Nurani Indonesia Foundation has provided a solution to keep his dream alive. For Mr. Winarto, his dream is not just about operating a food stall; it’s about creating a space that nourishes both the body and the soul with joy and connection

What we learn from Mr. Winarto's story is how the presence of the cooperative has become a solution for the community, especially for small business owners, helping them overcome the financial challenges that are hard to tackle on their own.

Mr. Winarto’s dream is just one of the many inspiring stories from cooperative members. There is hope that the cooperative, supported by Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia, will keep bringing benefits to the larger community.

Read other inspirational stories:
Empowered Housewife: From Karate Athlete to Owning Her Cake Shop

New Hope Amid Limitations: The Struggles of a Gugah Nurani Indonesia Sponsored Child from Medan Belawan

Written by: Luwyse
Edited by: Tim FD