New Hope Amid Limitations: The Struggles of a Gugah Nurani Indonesia Sponsored Child from Medan Belawan

Life does not always grant justice to everyone on this earth. Elin Siti Marlina, a 17-year-old girl, is forced to fight for her survival after losing her father. His passing left not only deep sorrow but also a heavy burden on Elin and her family, especially regarding education.

Like many other poor families, Elin and her family struggle to meet basic needs such as clothing, food, and shelter. Her mother, who works as a laundry laborer, has to work hard to meet their daily needs. Additionally, Elin has a younger brother who is still in junior high school. In this situation, education costs become one of the hardest things to attain.

However, in the darkness that shrouds their lives, a ray of hope came through Gugah Nurani Indonesia (GNI). The foundation provides support to Elin as one of the children they sponsor until she reaches adulthood. Through programs like Health Check Up (HCU), Educational Material Support (EMS), and Provide Hygiene Kit, held annually, GNI helps ensure that Elin and other sponsored children have access to the health care and school supplies they need.

Elin's mother, Sri Lestari, one of the GNI-supported parents in Belawan, works daily as a laundry laborer, selling pecel noodles and fruit salad.

In addition, GNI provided an initial capital of Rp. 1,000,000,- in the form of goods needed to start a fruit salad and pecel noodle business. With the hope of changing their fate, Elin and her mother enthusiastically started the business. Although they realized that finding customers would not be easy, they were committed to not giving up.

Week after week, Elin's family's fruit salad and pecel noodle business began to grow. The impact was significant for them, as the business helped her mother meet daily needs, including school fees for Elin and her brother. Through this business, her mother was able to leave her job as a laundry laborer in others' homes and focus more on caring for her children while running the business.

Beyond the material benefits, GNI's program also had a strong emotional impact on Elin and her brother. With the hope of continuing their education and receiving a decent education, Elin and her brother felt happy and motivated. They are committed to pursuing their education all the way to university, hoping to change their family's fate and improve their economic well-being.

Elin Siti Marlina’s inspirational story teaches us valuable lessons about the power of determination and the human capacity to change destiny. Despite facing economic limitations and the loss of her father, Elin and her mother did not surrender to their circumstances. They sought solutions, and with GNI's support, they managed to build a business that provides hope and independence for their family.

This story reminds us that education is key to overcoming poverty and opening doors to a better future. With the educational access provided by GNI, Elin and her brother have the opportunity to achieve their dreams and change their family’s destiny.

When we face challenges in life, never give up. As Elin and her mother have shown, patience, perseverance, and an indomitable spirit are essential to overcoming obstacles and achieving the goals we aspire to.

By recognizing the potential and capabilities within ourselves, we can reach our dreams, change our destiny, and inspire others around us. Elin Siti Marlina has shown us that there are no limits we cannot overcome if we have strong belief and determination.

Written by: Aulia Rizky Ramadhani (ChDF Medan Belawan CDP)
Edited by: FD Team