Donor & Collaborator
Why Collaborate with Us?
Why become a collaborator with Gugah Nurani Indonesia? Happy 15 years, we have moved so far:
- 12,359 children are sponsored by Gugah Conscience Indonesia
- More than 20 projects in the Education, Health and Environment sectors already implemented
- We have successfully renovated and repaired more than 4 schools ease and comfort in pursuing education for children
- 7,354 People have awareness of Children's Rights
- 26,296 People have access to quality education
- 13,023 People have access to better Health
- 4,824 People have access to clean water and adequate sanitation
- 2,902 People participated in advocacy activities for the fulfillment of Rights Children and our more than 40,000 social media reach to give voice Gugah Conscience Indonesia\'s advocacy in fulfilling children's rights
Has collaborated with more than 50+ institutions
Donor & Sponsors
Are you ready to collaborate with GNI?
We are open to various forms of cooperation and collaboration to support our various forms of activities and projects. We invite Companies, Foundations and other stakeholders to join us as Donors/Sponsors