GNI Jeneponto Provides Health Mask Aid

TOPIKTERKINI.COM – JENEPONTO | Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia (GNI) Jeneponto area handed over Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) assistance for health workers at Lanto Dg Pasewang Hospital, Jeneponto.

The 2,500 pieces of PPE in the form of Surgical Masks were handed over on July 7, 2020 at the Lanto daeng Pasewang Regional Hospital.

This assistance was received directly by the Director of RSUD Lanto Dg. Pasewang drg. Bustamin, M. Mars and witnessed by Head of Health Services Nurtayeb, SKM., M.Kes and spokesperson for the COVID19 Handling Task Force Jeneponto Mustaufiq.

GNI Jeneponto Manager Edwardus said that the purpose of providing PPE assistance is a form of GNI's care and support for health workers in Jeneponto, especially those who are assigned to Lanto Dg Pasewang Regional Hospital so that they feel safe and comfortable in providing health services to the community.

Previously, GNI had also submitted PPE to the Bangkala Puskesmas and several Pustu in the GNI working area, in the form of Surgical Masks (1,400 pieces), Hand Scoons (600 pairs), and Hand Sanitizers (50 liters).

He further stated that in addition to support for health workers, GNI will also provide assistance to the community and children who sponsor GNI who are affected by the presence of COVID 19.

The assistance was in the form of a Hygiene Kit and several programs related to education, community economic recovery, and other activities related to child protection efforts due to COVID 19, he said.

Report : Patawari
Source :


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