While participating in the Musyawarah Rencana Pembangunan Desa (Village Development Planning Deliberation or Musrebangdes) event, Gugah Nurani Indonesia played a significant role in guiding and assisting the village community in determining the priority scale of their planned initiatives. One of the issues addressed was the availability of clean drinking water. Currently, in the Sok hamlet, a portion of the population has been served by the local water utility (PDAM), but not the entire hamlet. Similarly, in the Purang Mese hamlet, clean water has been provided. They are earnestly hoping that the village's clean water facility, an asset supported by Gugah Nurani Indonesia in 2020, can be repaired to serve the communities around Pustu Sok.
The areas around Sok Pustu and the western part of Sok hamlet are regions that have not yet received clean water services. Their only hope is that the clean water facility supported by Gugah Nurani Indonesia in 2020 can be utilized again. They have agreed to allocate funds from the village for the repair of this facility. It was found that the facility began to deteriorate again at the end of October 2023. There were many responses and suggestions, even calls from the community. They regretted that the facility could not be maximally utilized due to the intentional damage by some residents. Besides technical damage, the security of the village facilities was also severely compromised.
What makes us proud during the Musyawarah Rencana Pembangunan Desa (Village Development Planning Deliberation or Musrebangdes) is the statement from the Head of UPTD SDI Momang Mese. He conveyed, "For twenty-four hours, we at SDI Momang Mese have never run out of clean water. All of this is thanks to the contribution of Gugah Nurani Indonesia, which in 2019 built a clean water facility for us at SDI Momang Mese. Moreover, the water available can even serve several houses in the school's vicinity. This electrically powered clean water facility functions well because we are committed to maintaining it properly. On this occasion, on behalf of myself and my school, I express my heartfelt gratitude to Gugah Nurani Indonesia. We don't face water scarcity because we are capable of maintaining this asset well." Furthermore, the school principal added, "If it is possible, the village's solar-powered drinking water facility, supported by Gugah Nurani Indonesia, can be repaired again, and most importantly, the community is obliged to collectively care for it."
Several messages are implied for all residents from the Head of SDI Momang Mese School, namely:
- Be grateful for all the support from good-hearted people.
- Take care and maintain the facilities we receive.
- Water is life; let it stay alive 24 hours every day.