Child Protection

Gugah Nurani Indonesia fosters a child-friendly environment in all of countries and communities we work based on the core value of "Prioritize the Rights of Children" and the four fundamental rights of children

Every Child Is Protected


"The Declaration  on the Rights of the Child" of the United Nations proclaims that children "shall enjoy special protection, and shall be given opportunities and facilities, by law and by other means, to enable them to develop physically, mentally, morally, spiritually and socially in a healthy and normal manner and conditions of freedom and dignity."

Gugah Nurani Indonesia will support children to be able to assert their rights by themselves and help parents and their neighbors to work together to protect their children. Gugah Nurani Indonesia will not see children as objects and will help them voice their rights and play a leading role as the owners of their lives. This includes supporting children to recognize the importance of child protection and put it into practice.

News & Stories

Gugah Nurani Indonesia endeavors to continue to spread goodness through various collaborative actions. By taking steps together, it will be easier to achieve the goal, namely empowerment for the poor and underprivileged communities.

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