Emergency Relief
Emergency Relief - Earthquake at Cianjur
An earthquake measuring 5.6 on the Ritchter scale shook the Cianjur area, many of these areas were affected. Until now, the children who are victims still need help. Gugah Nurani Indonesia needs financial assistance for the needs of children's school equipment that was lost after the earthquake.
Emergency Relief
Sisa Hari
Rp 0
739639 Hari
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Emergency Relief
Emergency Relief - Earthquake at Cianjur
An earthquake measuring 5.6 on the Ritchter scale shook the Cianjur area, many of these areas were affected. Until now, the children who are victims still need help. Gugah Nurani Indonesia needs financial assistance for the needs of children's school equipment that was lost after the earthquake.
Emergency Relief
Sisa Hari
Rp 0
739639 Hari