Published 30 July 2024
An Inspirational Story of MELATI, the Women's Farmer Group in Gurung Liwut Village in Their Efforts to Improve Family Nutrition
By early April 2024, they began working on a Demonstration Plot (DEMPLOT) to plant various types of vegetables. GNI supported them with vegetable seeds, medicines, and guidance. For the guidance, GNI collaborated with Field Agricultural Extension Officers (FAEO) from the Department of Agriculture. The enthusiasm of the group members was evident as they worked on the demplot. Here, they learn together, practice horticultural farming, organize, and collaborate. The FAEO also provided training to the KWT, including making organic fertilizers, seedling processes, fertilization, and planting. The DEMPLOT serves as a learning space for group members. Once they have gained sufficient knowledge, they will open their own plots to plant various types of vegetables, continuing to be organized by Melati WFG.
By early June 2024, the Melati WFG DEMPLOT had harvested mustard greens worth IDR 150,000. The members were delighted with the sales proceeds. They agreed to use the sales revenue as a loan fund for members. This money is now circulating among the members, who are borrowing and lending with simple record-keeping and loan management methods as agreed by the group. GNI will continue to monitor and assist them to help them become accustomed to a regular loan system.
Looking ahead, they plan to continue in horticultural farming and develop their group into a Joint Savings and Loan Business (JSLB) and a provider of basic foodstuffs (nine basic staples) for members and nearby residents.
Melati WFG understands that all work and business require a process. They are very cohesive, willing to learn, and eager to cooperate. GNI hopes Melati WFG will develop well to support the growth of their children into useful and responsible individuals in the future. With the group's growth, a healthy and productive environment is expected to be created. Support from various parties, in the form of guidance and capital, is highly anticipated to realize this goal. Through ongoing collaboration and assistance, Melat WFG can become an inspiration and a model for other communities.
Edited by: FD Team
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