1st GNI Teacher Training on Technology Literation: One hundred fifty-three teachers are readily technology literate with GNI.

A full of exciting steps portrayed a rain-soaked Sunday morning when a cold gallery became warmer as 153 teachers came in. They were participants of the 1st Teacher Training on Technology Literation held by Gugah Nurani Indonesia. Sunday then looked different. Not only spirit and smiles warm the day, but all participants also looked fantastic, wearing their fashionable traditional costumes. In the season of celebrating Independence Day on August 17, Gugah Nurani Indonesia (GNI) Balikpapan picked a traditional costume as the dress code for the event.

The training was held at the Gran Senyiur Hotel Balikpapan on Sunday, 28 August 2022, as a part of a program entitled "Hello, E-Dream Project" and in collaboration with the Education and Culture Office of Balikpapan City to support Initiator Teachers (Guru Penggerak) Bertunas. A number of 153 teachers were registered as participants. They came from 15 elementary schools (SD) in the Districts of Balikpapan City, East Balikpapan, and North Balikpapan.

The training aimed to improve elementary school teachers' capacity in technology and is a part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs conducted by the Community Chest of Korea and Hyundai Engineering. It also duplicated and replicated the Initiator Teacher Program initiated by The Ministry of Cultural Education Research and Technology. “Hopefully, the training improves teacher’s capacity and strengthens the Implementation of Freedom Curriculum,” said Meity Ria, GNI Balikpapan Project Manager

A welcome speech was given by the Head of Teachers and Educational Personnel (GTK) Department of Education & Culture Office of Balikpapan City, Mrs. Emmy Mulyani, in the name of the Mayor of Balikpapan, Mr. H. Rahmad Mas'ud SE, ME. The training was also attended by the Head of East Kalimantan Initiator Teacher Center (BGP), Mrs. Wiwik Setiawati, M.Pd and the Head of Quality of Education Guaranty Office (BPMP) of East Kalimantan Province, Mr. Dr. Khairullah, S.Pd, M.Pd as a keynote speaker.

Besides the participants, a number of 24 Elementary School-Level Initiator Teachers of  Batch 2 Balikpapan were present as practice companions, together with 15 principals of assisted schools.  More training will be held in September, October, and November.

 “I hope more teachers become proficient at using technology for teaching," Meity added.

Her wish will meet the aim of the training to improve teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, and skills in using the technology of information and communication related to the Indonesian New Paradigm of Education.

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